Wednesday, December 17

How to Make a Tiny Terrarium in a Light Bulb

Create beautiful and elegant terrariums that will help your friends get closer to nature all year long!

Sunday, December 14

Benefits of Cold Showers: 7 Reasons Why Taking Cool Showers Is Good For Your Helalth

Taking cold showers instead of hot showers provides surprising health benefits from burning fat to depression relief for our skin and body.

Friday, December 12

Upcycled Sweated Slippers


Wednesday, December 10

10 Compassionate Ways to Support Loved Ones Suffering from Depression

Depression is a very serious, isolating, but treatable disorder that affects millions of people of all ages from all walks of life. Depression causes tremendous emotional and physical pain, hurting not only those suffering from it, but affecting the people around them as well.

Tuesday, December 9

Pecan Pie

Who said Pecan Pie is only a Thanksgiving Day Pie? I think it should be for every Holiday, that’s how much I love it! Pecan Pie is defiantly my favorite pie over any of the other Holiday pies.

Monday, December 8

One Banana A Day, Keeps The Doctor Away!- Fitness Banana Benefits

Oh, yes! It doesn't have to be an apple! Banana keeps the doctor away too! Did you know how much healthy benefits contains one banana?! Well enough to keep the doctor away! I will give you a list of the benefits, and believe me, you will be amazed! Creamy, rich, and sweet, bananas are a favorites fruit for everyone to enjoy, and they are a good source of both vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber. So let's see these amazing banana benefits!

Sunday, December 7

Amazing Ways To Turns Your Partner On To Look Good In Bed

Don’t you want your partner to be attractive? I hope it’s a big YES. Everybody is looking for the right life-partner. A person who not just understands you, but also fulfills your sexual desires. Everybody has got sexual desires and we need to accept it. How your partner turns you ON along with the emotional factors contribute towards a long-term relationship. There is also an increasing value for psychological intimacy. The more you look for the hotness in your partner, the more strongly your relation binds you together.

Monday, November 24

How to sew on a button by hand.

 Buttons are an extremely common item that we’ve all encountered. And if you’re like me when I started sewing, you probably have a basic understanding of how a button is attached to fabric but aren’t sure exactly how to sew on a button for yourself. It is a very handy skill to learn, however, and can open you up to a wide variety of crafts and projects to complete.

How to Sew a Buttonhole

In this post, I covered how to sew on a button by hand. But we all know a button is not very useful without a hole for it! So how do you sew a buttonhole?

Sunday, November 23

30 DIY Storage Solution to keep the kitchen organized

Spring cleaning always has me thinking about reorganizing and decluttering each and every room as I work my way throughout the house. It always amazes me just how much stuff can accumulate in just a year. I usually take the opportunity to evaluate just where we are and if there are any changes that can be made to make life a little simpler, more convenient, and of course more organized.

Super Inexpensive & Simple DIY Storage Solutions

Lets face it.  Storage can get expensive!!

If you let it.

I get asked all the time about "budget" storage and organizing.

So I thought I would browse the wonderful web for some of my favorite ways folks have thought outside of the box to create or dress up inexpensive storage containers, and all can be done on the CHEAP!
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