Monday, November 24

How to sew on a button by hand.

 Buttons are an extremely common item that we’ve all encountered. And if you’re like me when I started sewing, you probably have a basic understanding of how a button is attached to fabric but aren’t sure exactly how to sew on a button for yourself. It is a very handy skill to learn, however, and can open you up to a wide variety of crafts and projects to complete.

How to Sew a Buttonhole

In this post, I covered how to sew on a button by hand. But we all know a button is not very useful without a hole for it! So how do you sew a buttonhole?

Sunday, November 23

30 DIY Storage Solution to keep the kitchen organized

Spring cleaning always has me thinking about reorganizing and decluttering each and every room as I work my way throughout the house. It always amazes me just how much stuff can accumulate in just a year. I usually take the opportunity to evaluate just where we are and if there are any changes that can be made to make life a little simpler, more convenient, and of course more organized.

Super Inexpensive & Simple DIY Storage Solutions

Lets face it.  Storage can get expensive!!

If you let it.

I get asked all the time about "budget" storage and organizing.

So I thought I would browse the wonderful web for some of my favorite ways folks have thought outside of the box to create or dress up inexpensive storage containers, and all can be done on the CHEAP!

7 Mistakes New New Wives Make That Can Ruin a Marriege

If you are going to tie the knot soon, you need to know some of the worst mistakes most new wives make that can ruin a marriage. It may seem these mistakes are not so serious and they couldn’t affect your marriage, but they actually can. Avoid the following mistakes to have a happy and solid marriage.

Safe and Unsafe Foods for Guinea Pigs

It’s important that every guinea pig that you raise have its own bowl of vegetables each day. You need to make sure that you offer a variety, though. This is your only way of ensuring that your guinea pigs have all their nutritional needs met. Plying your poor guinea pigs with the same food each day may keep them alive, but they won’t be healthy or happy.

Saturday, November 22

The one Band Workout

Fitness on the road used to be a tricky proposition for me. My business trips were always marked by bad food, late night nights and full-on slothdom during hours of downtime. Then I would get home and complain about how crappy I felt. (Errmmm, not super mysterious why.)

The 7 Biggest Mistakes You Make Cooking Mashed Potatoes

Everyone looks forward to the sides at Thanksgiving — they're the best part, after all. But no one's going to reach for seconds of the mashed potatoes if they're gluey or cold or tasteless. Start out with your favorite recipe (this is a great one!), avoid these common pitfalls, and your guests will be begging you to make mashed potatoes every year.

6 Reasons Gardening Is Good for You

We know you’re obsessed with gardening, and frankly, that's a good thing. That summertime hobby can actually improve your mental and physical wellbeing. Here's how:

Skin Treatments You Can Make Yourself

Shea Body Butter

Paola Parsons' at-home version blends shea butter, coconut oil, and fragrant essential oils. The recipe will leave you with almost a pint, which you can lather all over your arms and legs.

8 Genius Eyeliner Tricks Every Woman Needs to Know

1-Use a pencil liner as a guide for tricky liquid liners.
If your hand isn't steady enough for liquid eyeliner, line your eyes first with a pencil liner, and then trace over it with liquid.
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