Showing posts with label Pets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pets. Show all posts

Sunday, November 23

Safe and Unsafe Foods for Guinea Pigs

It’s important that every guinea pig that you raise have its own bowl of vegetables each day. You need to make sure that you offer a variety, though. This is your only way of ensuring that your guinea pigs have all their nutritional needs met. Plying your poor guinea pigs with the same food each day may keep them alive, but they won’t be healthy or happy.

Sunday, November 9

Most Dangerous " People Foods" For Cats and Dos

Watch your plates! U.S. News and World Reportrecently released a list of the most toxic foods for cats and dogs. Click through to see which treats that you enjoy are big no-gos for pets. No matter how much our four-legged friends may beg, these are 12 foods it's much better to avoid in both the short and long terms.

Sunday, November 2

7 Most Interesting Facts about Beagles

The beagle is a small- to medium-sized breed of dog, a member of the Hound group. It was originally bred for tracking small game by virtue of its superior sense of small and tracking instinct. Beagles are considered to be good pets because of their gentle dispositions, intelligence, and general lack of health problems. Life with a beagle can be a joy and a challenge both because of and in spite of these characteristics. 

Wednesday, October 29

FDA asks Dog Owners For Help With Illnesses linked To Jerky

The Food and Drug Administration has a mystery on its hands.

Thousands of dogs and at least 10 cats have become sick after eating various forms of jerky for pets over the past few years. Some 580 animals have died, the agency says. But it's not sure why.

Wednesday, October 22


One of the enduring cliches of dog ownership is the frequent begging for table scraps. When sitting down to their meals, many owners are met with the pleading stares of their dogs looking for snacks, either handed out or accidentally dropped. Fortunately, our canine companions are able to consume and digest a fairly wide variety of “people food” even though they’re technically carnivores. But indulgent dog lovers want to know: what are some of the better food choices one can make when it comes to sharing a bite with a hungry mutt? Here are 10 comestibles that are good for you and for man’s best friend.

Tuesday, October 7

7 Tips On How to Avoid Spoiling Your Pet

We all love pets very much, they are our good friends and most people have puppies at home. I also belong to this group of people. As a rule, we love and pamper our dear creatures that much that they turn into mean, fat, impudent and totally uncontrollable pets. To avoid this you should know some tips on how to manage with the problem effectively. Here are seven tips on how to avoid spoiling your pet.

Thursday, October 2

Water Dog

WaterDog is an eco-friendly, automatic outdoor pet fountain that immediately turns on when it senses your dog approaching. When the dog is finished drinking the fresh water and walks away, the fountain automatically turns off. Attach the WaterDog to an outdoor hose spigot for an easy water solution on a hot summer day.
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