Showing posts with label Sex & Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sex & Love. Show all posts

Sunday, December 7

Amazing Ways To Turns Your Partner On To Look Good In Bed

Don’t you want your partner to be attractive? I hope it’s a big YES. Everybody is looking for the right life-partner. A person who not just understands you, but also fulfills your sexual desires. Everybody has got sexual desires and we need to accept it. How your partner turns you ON along with the emotional factors contribute towards a long-term relationship. There is also an increasing value for psychological intimacy. The more you look for the hotness in your partner, the more strongly your relation binds you together.

Friday, November 21

This " sexually Enlightened R&B Song" Is a hilarious Must-Watch

Mood music is an easy way to set the scene of some serious romancing. The only issue is that a lot of these so called seductive tunes are based on the annoying idea that sex is all about a man's pleasure. Thankfully, the geniuses behind College Humor's " Sexually Enlightened R&B Song" decide to fix that glaring injustice with this slow jam parody.

Tuesday, November 18

9 Things Men Notice First About Women

Have you ever wondered about the things guys notice first about girls? Well, ladies, men are not so difficult to understand since they are actually straight-forward so it can be easy to find out what things guys notice first by watching them carefully each time they meet a woman. Check out a few interesting and even surprising things men notice first about women.

Sunday, November 16

Anal Sex! 6 Tips to make it Enjoyable for you

Ok,I know it’s only Wednesday, and it’s only my third official day on Team Smitten (Yay!), but I can’t think of a better way to jump right in than to talk about the one subject we wonder about, but rarely ask about: anal sex! Without further ado, I present what I consider the most important tips to make this oh-so-scandalous sex act as pleasurable as possible. Because sex should feel good and ya’ll deserve to feel good.

Wednesday, November 12

7 Most Disgusting Things We Do For Our Beloved

Elvis Presley couldn't " help falling". How low do we sometimes fall to prove how committed we are to someone?

Actually, some of the so-called nasty things do not look too nasty when we genuinely love someone. The things listed below might turn your stomach, but I am pretty sure you have also done somethings of the sort. Surprisingly enough, most people have and always will. Why? That's simply because they love each other.

Tuesday, November 11

Genital herpes: How Prevalent Is It And What Should You Do?

Genital Herpes is a topic not really discussed in the course normal conversation. However, if you're age 25 and over, and are sexually active with multiple partners, then it would be wise to be tested for genital herpes.

Monday, November 10

Sticking to the sex Position That Works Best for You? How to Mix It Up without Losing Your Big O

We're ll guilty of it. We get into a sexual routine. We find our positions, the ones that make us see stars, and we never look back.
Now I know what you’re thinking. If the mint chip ice cream is THAT good, why even bother with the other 30 flavors? But variety is the spice of life, and no matter how scrumptious that scoop is, if you’re having it every day for months and months, it’s going to lose a bit of its luster. Translation: Either you or your guy will get bored.

Sunday, November 9

8 Crucial Dos and Don'ts of Anal Sex

Anal sex: It has been called the new frontier of sex, and it just might be. Recent surveys show that roughly 1 in 3 people have tried it, suggesting that more women are opening up to it than ever. And yet, say the phrase “anal sex” in a room full of women and watch each one refuse to talk about it...

Saturday, November 8

This Sex Toy Promises to " Pleasure Train" Your for Better Orgasms

Wouldn't it be amazing if there were a way to upgrade your orgasms from "good" to "wait a sec, I think I just passed out?" The team at sex toy company Lelo wants to help you get there with their new Luna Smart Bead, a device that aims to train your body to have more intense climaxes with a personalized Kegel exercise routine.

Friday, October 31

The Best Sex Toys for Every Person

 Whether you're looking for the best way to have a little fun alone or trying to spice things up with your guy, there's sex toy for that. Here are some of them to try, ranging from classic to innovative new design.

Thursday, October 16

Solutions That Can Save A Relationship

It's there rare coupe that doesn't run into a few bumps in the road. If you recognize ahead of time, thought, what those relationship problems might be, you'll have a much better chance of getting past them.

Tuesday, October 14

The Surprisingly Simple Secret to Easier Orgasms

Despite what many guys would like to think, having an orgasm with your partner can be harder than letting him have the last bite of dessert. But there's a very simple way to change that: thinking sexy thoughts.
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